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Vanilla Factions Expanded: Buccaneers Fan Ideas

NOTE: I am not in any shape or way associated with the VFE team, I'm just a fan who likes to do creative things and share them. I have no idea about balancing or even how to make mods, I'm just doing this for fun.
Hello RimWorld, its me again, that weeb dude who made the VFE Samurai Idea thread about a week ago. I'm back with another round of ideas because I need something to distract me from the shambles of life irl. And because I've been on something of a pirate-y kick. Yarrrgggggg.
First to clear something up, Pirates vs Buccaneers. Pirates are dicks. They will kill and loot and murder you for money. Buccaneers are less dicks. They will still kill and loot and murder you for money, but they prefer trading and exploring for wealth first. Basically, while Pirates are plain raiders, Buccaneers are more like adventurers. They also start at a medieval level of tech but can move up as the game goes on to represent how their adventures have netted them some new digs.
Important note: Like Vikings, they would be greatly benefits from having ships. I've heard on the pipeline that apparently there is/was a vehicle mod that included ships and cars in the works. All of these ideas are going to be based on the idea that its not going to be required. I know, I know, lot of sad yarr's all around mateys. If Rimworld ever came out with an update that overhauled the seas and ocean tiles, that'd be grand as well.

Storyteller - Material Matty (or Pierce Plunder)

Matty has a similar mechanic to the Raid Restlessness of from the Vikings mod: Avaricious Acquisition. Every quad/yeasomething else, the colony will have to grow in wealth by a certain amount. Your are pirates and adventurers after all, you want the money. This isn't just silver, its the overall colony wealth. For example, say you have it set so that every quad, you need to add 1000 more wealth to your colony. If you fail to do that by the end of the 15 days, you're hit with a stacking -10 mood debuff of "no plunder". However, the inverse would also be true, if you say got 3000 more wealth added in the quad, you'd get a stacking +5 mood buff of "lotsa booty!" that would decay over time, effectively giving you a cushioned safe zone for you to not have to do build more wealth.
I'm not so sure about balancing, maybe that after each year, the wealth increase goes up so by year 2 you need 2000 wealth per quad. The whole idea is that your pirate lads and lasses are greedy fucks who always want more and aren't ever satisfied. Part of the challenge is being able to control your colony's wealth growth so that you don't end up in a spot where you have to face down huge raids you aren't ready for.
Beyond the AA mechanic, Matty would act similar to Pheobe except that he doesn't do cargo drops as much and prefer creating quests that requires you to go on adventures outside your base. The best way to think of Matty would be to think of him as the sea; when its calm, things are pretty nice and you'll a series of nice events back to back. However, when the seas get rough and the waves get nasty, so does he and he'll also send back to back bad events that will make you scramble to try and cover it all.






Found only during the Treasure Hunt event or as a quest reward, they will could as having gained a level of colony wealth for Material Matty's Various Acquisition mechanic.



Pawn Types

As the game progresses, Buccaneers will start to use better weapons. By the end of the game, they'll come with charge weapons and more advanced equipment. While anyone has a chance of spawning in with a Jolly Randy, only the Bosun is guaranteed to do so while staying in the back lines.


Again, thank you for reading my semiconscious stream of thought I wrote instead of going to bed at a reasonable time. Seriously, its like 1 AM now that I'm done writing and I've had pirate music in the background for most of it. Jack Sparrow is going to find me in my fucking dreams in a Randy costume. Speaking of which, I had a good bit of fun making eater eggs to other pirate-themed media and myths, hope someone finds them as amusing as I did.
submitted by ClocktowerEchos to RimWorld [link] [comments]

The Gambler

As long as I can remember, I’ve had an issue with gambling. Lost every penny to my name at the tables, spent more time indebted to the House than I ever spent in one. I don’t know how to explain it. I only ever felt alive in the casino. The flashing, flickering lights, the resounding echoes of dice on red velvet and whiskey downed desperately, like water in the desert.
Nothing changed when I died; nothing important anyway. Same games, slightly different stakes. We gamble emotions now. Sensation. We play cards or craps for the worst ones, like exchanging shitty cigarettes. For the other lost souls and I, it’s a familiar dance.
We’re all of the same ilk here. Not benevolent enough for heaven. Not wicked enough for hell. Just dead. Just here. Gambling and scrounging and doing whatever we can to feel alive. Sometimes other things pass around. Lotsa us call ’em demons, but I ain’t too sure. I’m pretty sure they’re just the dealers. Just a few folks being a little less screwed by the House. I’ve seen a few around, but they had no business with me. They just wanna find the fellow on their list and bring ’em to the Grand Casino. Won’t take no one else, won’t hear nothing else.
The Grand Casino. That’s where you can win big. I’ve heard stories of folks leaving with ‘happiness’, ‘joy’ and ‘pleasure’. Hell, heard one guy even gambled his way back to the world of the living. ‘Course I never met someone who won, or even returned from the Grand Casino, short of them dealers. And them? They keep tight lips. Don’t say much one way or another, whether folks bash the place or praise it. ‘Magine its part of the House rules. Now, I’ve already told ya’ I’m a simple man. I like sleep, like booze and like gambling. Never turned down a chance at any of ’em. So when the dealers came a’calling my name, you know, I didn’t put up no resistance.
The lessons I learned in life, I carried with me when I got here. And one of those lessons? The House ain’t perfect. Damn near it, but it ain’t. Sometimes it puts a man behind the table with a heart too soft to help a man hang himself. After a while, you can see it in ’em. Its in their eyes of course, but its really at their lips. Had one fellow, when I was alive, would mouth numbers for me to bet on. Never any big wins, but enough to put a hot meal in me. My dealer now kinda reminds me of that kid.
So my dealer. Hes tall, talking twice my height and I’m a good six foot. Kinda transparent and warpy, like your six drinks in looking at the world through a puff of a cig. Sometimes its got features. Like a real pretty lady one minute. Then an upright lion. Swore it looked like my Pa at one point too. I followed where it led, no use in wasting time. At first I didn’t say nothing. Their kind never answer questions anyways. But I ain’t never been good at silence. Makes my skin crawl all jittery like. Think that’s why I liked to hang by the slots. Never quiet there.
“So whats waiting for me over at the Rising Sun?” I smile as I ask. Its what me and a few others would call the good casinos, or the bad ones, dependin’ on your feel. The ones that made you feel like God, all powerful and shit with enough money in your lap to hide your excitement as some sexy lass nibbles at your ear. Same places where you’d crash hard, harder than anything else, hard enough that you don’t even feel your broken arm when security chucks you out ’cause your souls in so many pieces you sure it ain’t ever going back together. And then your sittin’ there in your own piss and stench, trying to find the energy to crawl into the road and end this goddamn catastrophe while wondering why. Why couldn’t you just take your winnings and go? Whys it always one more game, but it never is? I had a million dollars that night. A million. Owner of the House came out, congratulated me. He waved the dealer off and smiled.
“Double or nothing?” The fucking monster. I was hot, hot off a win, throat burning from a fireball, cheeks flush at the touch of impossibly soft lips. Should have said no. But goddamned if I’m anything but who I am. And who I am is a gambler. “Listen. The only way to win is not to play. Drink nothing he gives you. Eat nothing as well. It will only dull you to reality. He can only take what you willingly give. Give nothing. And do not speak of this exchange,“ the dealer entity’s voice pulls me back. We’re standing in front of a large, ornate door, but its not attached to anything. They’re looking down at me, staring something fierce. “What’s your name?” Don’t know why I ask, but it comes to mind. Feels important.
“I am Eleador. I must leave now. I have another to retrieve. Heed my words or do not, but share not what I have given you.” They pull away as they speak, but I grab their arm. Or try to. Feels like a real thick fog, almost water, but not quite. “Thank ya, Eleador. Yousa good fellow.” Thinking back, there wasn’t no reason for me to go through that door; I mean, no reason at all. I knew the Devil was sitting there, just waiting for me. Then there was the dealer’s warning. Eleador, goddamned if my gut don’t drop even now thinking of ’em, told me the game was rigged. I just…had to keep playing. I opened that door to the prettiest palace of sin. Men and women strutting about, some carrying trays of sweets whose very appearance made my mouth water. Others embraced freely on satin furniture as they sipped strange liquids from intricate glasses. Despite the resounding bell that rings when I open the door, none of them notice me. Or if they do, they don’t show it, going about their business completely unfazed. Entranced, I stepped forward. A hand, heavy, falls on my shoulder from behind. A man stands where the door once was. “Welcome. We’ve been waiting for you.” His stern tone, combined with the forceful way he leads me towards a table, makes it clear I have no choice. He’s the only one dressed in such a business-like way; in a room of lace bikinis and well adorned loincloths, his modestly tailored suit is off putting.
“Well, ah, sir, guess I should be saying it’s an honor. But where am I? And who’re you?” The man plants me firmly in a plush armchair. “You’re in a casino. My casino. And we’re going to gamble now, aren’t we?” My lack of response seems to upset him. “I have something you want.”
I feel it in my gut. I don’t like this man. Reminds me of the fellow that used to spit at me when I slept off Raeborne Avenue. “Sir, I ain’t a wanting man. Don’t need nothing, don’t want nothing.” He slams and open palm onto the table, spreading a mess of cards as he does. “You wanna play. And I do too. I suggest you make yourself comfortable. Take a drink. Grab a snack. Figure out if you’d rather live again or go to heaven. Or maybe something else. Whatever you want. I just want your afterlife. Your loyalty and servitude. Your choice of game.”
Eleador said the only way to win is not to play. But someone has to win every now and then. No one would play if not. I can be the one. I have to be the one.
“I don’t want nothing. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll play a game of blackjack with you. You win and you get whatever it is you want. I win, you do a friend of mine a favor. Deal?” There ain’t nothing for me in life and heaven never sounded too sweet. But I know a soul needing salvation.
The fellow blinks hard a few times, but nods. “A drink to seal it?” “No sir, I, uh, know better than that,” I don’t know how else to phrase it, but that certainly wasn’t the right way.
“Fine. I’ll tell you what I want if I win. The name of the fool who ruined my game. So, lets play, you lucky fucker”. Things changed. Where once there were others, now we are alone. A dim lime light flickers above us. The man, he ain’t no man. He’s a beast with hooves and fur and the like. I looked in it’s eyes, at least two of the myriad that pocked his flesh and knew I didn’t have a chance in hell.
But I still played. Gambled with something that wasn’t mine. And I lost, and I broke a promise that, for once, I intended to keep. I tell this tale to you as I tell it to others who wander the Wasteland. Maybe you’ll listen ’cause I know for damn sure they don’t. I don’t wish this feeling on nobody, this pain and ache and sadness. I ain’t content with this limbo no more. I worry ‘bout Eleador every moment. Worry ‘bout what the Devil did to ‘em.
Don’t make my mistake, lads. I didn’t learn in life and I didn’t learn in death. I only learned when it was too late. Don’t play the odds. Not once, not ever. The House will put its claws in you and never let go.
But if you do, if you gamble at the Grand Casino and you find yourself on a winning streak, see if you can set Eleador free.
I don’t wanna know what that monster did to them.
submitted by breezysks to nosleep [link] [comments]

[EU4] Tier List Campaign 9 Session 5

Darnit, Tullipen. There are still too many tags too write tier lists for! I wanted to remove one by removing Korea, but noooooo. At least you removed Nepal I guess. That’s the 5th tag you’ve removed of my tier lists so far, so I suppose I can’t complain about your performance. Besides that Europe is just… weird. Tondo started off in Asia, then exodus’d to the New World, and is now in Europe. Was this their plan all along? Will we in the next sessions see the conquest of Europe by Tondo? We will have to wait and see. Besides that, Prussia is still a thing, but England, Poland, Genoa, Milan and Venice no longer, good work y’all. Oh and Bukhara too, nearly forgot about them, despite probably being the most significant war of this session, as it went back and forth the most, with most other wars being short and mostly ganks.
I should probably point out, with a lot of the lowest ranking countries being killed, some nations might find themselves a tier lower than they were. Power is relative y’all, and tier listings do not account for circumstances. Y’all have been doing great just to make it this far.

Player of the Week:

S: Super Powers

A: Great Power

B: Major Powers:

C: Regional Powers:

D: Local Powers

E: Minor Powers

F: Struggling for survival

submitted by Liutasiun to EuropePlaysParadox [link] [comments]

[Build Complete] - the $2000 Orange Macheen

Pics: http://imgur.com/a/Ty9wu#0
PC Part Picker: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type Item Price
CPU Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor $462.00 @ Centre Com
CPU Cooler Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler $99.00 @ CPL Online
Motherboard Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard $205.00 @ CPL Online
Memory Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory $189.00 @ IJK
Storage OCZ ARC 100 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive $119.00 @ Umart
Storage Western Digital BLACK SERIES 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive $169.00 @ Centre Com
Video Card MSI GeForce GTX 980 4GB Twin Frozr Video Card $739.00 @ Centre Com
Case Corsair Graphite Series 230T Orange ATX Mid Tower Case $99.00 @ CPL Online
Power Supply Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply $99.00 @ CPL Online
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $2180.00
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-08 21:24 AEST+1000
This is my first 'real' build, considering the last two computers I have built were mostly built not by me. It's very orange and I hope it works considering the screws for the radiator + fan only barely make it into the radiator. Seems stable though.
CPU: i7 4790k. I was going to go 5th gen but I was advised against it in order to get a better V-card. i7 is for video editing, k for future overclocking. 4.00Ghz goodness.
CPU Cooler: Corsair H60. First time liquid cooling, all seems ok. I've got it so that the fan at the back has the radiator strapped to it as an exhaust, with another exhaust on top of it. I'm slightly worried that the radiator will fall out considering the screws provided only just make it into the radiator, but it seems stable.
Motherboard: Asus Z97-A. Not much to say about this one, except that it has M.2 for the future AND is the highest rated on PC Part Picker for compatibility.
Memory: Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866. Seemed like good RAM to me!
Storage: Western Digital 2TB Black Hard drive (7200rpm) & OCZ ARC 100 240GB SSD. 2TB for lotsa files, and the ARC seemed like good value for money. Plus it's my first SSD, so I'm putting the OS on it (as soon as I can figure out how to transfer my old computer's files onto the Hard Drive, then cut it down to size to fit onto the SSD.)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 980 4GB Twin Frozr. Great card, great performance. Hopefully there isn't a bottleneck in this system (or at least not a big one) as much as my last system (i7 960 with two GTX 570s in SLI.)
Case: Corsair Graphite 230T (Orange). Orange is a good colour and this case stood out the most for me, so I went for it. Unfortunately due to the situation of my desk I can either have it on top with the window facing away from me, or down in a slot made for the computer (but where I can't see the orangeness.)
Power Supply: Corsair CX500M. I only heard about the perils of the CX series AFTER I bought it, so this will be the first part I replace.
Thanks for reading if you got this far. Please answer my questions, if you can.
submitted by FlandersNed to buildapc [link] [comments]

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